I am BARRY's Microblog

Follow @bjhess on Micro.blog.











: Apparently the Olympics have already started?!

: I’m thinking about going to RubyConf for the first time this year, what with it being nearby in …

: I’ll believe it when I see it: www.foodandwine.com/japanese-…

: I approached the vehicle as it was driving up and immediately loaded our luggage (without help from …

: Greenland from the sky. A flight attendant of 40 years said she’s never seen it to the north…we got …

: Last, to our Airbnb near Sandgerði. Our host met us to let us know that the Arctic tern were …

: Yesterday at Harpa we took in the interactive light exhibit, Circuleight. Then we headed closer to …

: Yesterday we were back to Reykjavík, preparing to return home. 😢 It was sunny and warm (15°C), so …

: Also two days ago, we finished our short Golden Circle tour. Geysir and Thingvellir.

: Two days ago we started the day with tire repair. Protip: check your tires before leaving your …

: More updates to come from yesterday and today, but it’s time for bed and to say “Until next time” to …

: Visiting Skógafoss? I highly recommended following the Waterfall Way. The most work is climbing to …

: Two days ago. Kvernufoss and Skógafoss. If you’re visiting Skógafoss, don’t skip …

: Two days ago now. Seljalandsfoss and Gljúfrafoss. Do not miss Gljúfrafoss!

: Just experienced the super rare Iceland thunders (Hopefully that’s what it was!)

: Got back to our Airbnb and noticed a tire was losing air. Flat within 10 minutes. Thankfully it …

: Finally we were glad we decided to go out in the rain one last time to visit the famous Reynisfjara …

: Then we spent some time in Vík. First looking at the church and cemetery. Then taking in the Lava …

: Today was a bit more typical Iceland: windy and rainy. Still, we soldiered on! First to Dyrhólaey.

: After grabbing groceries at the absurdly busy Krónan grocery store in Vik, we headed west out of …

: We wondered where this path led to near Stjórnarfoss. We gazed at miles upon miles of moss covered …

: A stop at Dverghamrar yielded a number of fun pictures, including the first one with Foss á Síðu in …

: Today we drove from Hotel Skaftafell to our remote Airbnb an hour west of Vik. The sheep outside of …

: For today’s glacier hike, well, I had to write a full blog post. Enjoy The Falling Glacier.

: Final yesterday! Our lodging has been pretty great throughout the trip. Though expensive! (Even …

: Also yesterday! We visited Diamond Beach, where artists were forming the ice into diamond shapes. …

: Yesterday! As I mentioned prior, extreme driving day. Here are four shots from the drive: …

: Way too tired to post an 🇮🇸 update tonight.

: First hiccup of the trip. I thought an excursion south of Höfn was tomorrow, but it is this …

: Finally, we found an absolute gem of a path in Höfði nature preserve. An odd Icelandic location …

: We had some lovely pizza at Daddi’s, and then jetted off to the Dimmuborgir lava field. It was …

: The rain started dropping on us around Krafla Viti crater. (Not to be confused with Víti geothermal …

: In Iceland you sometimes take unplanned detours. After waterfalls, I saw this crater to the south of …

: An epic day around Mývatn. Way too many pictures to share. (And many pictures on a different …

: A quick stop by Goðafoss, geared up for whale watching (prior post), explored the Húsavík …

: My wife’s snaps from whale watching (I was on video). The black tail is a rare humpback with a fully …

: It tipped 60°F today in Akureyri! We took it easy today with a lagoon visit, a walk around downtown, …

: Walking around Akureyri. We like it here! Wild that the “Capital of North Iceland” is …

: A tough golf hole in Akureyri.

: Iceland, home of grocery store poetry.

: Mostly a driving day today, but finished up in an okay place. 😳

: A bit windy and rainy at Kirkjufell, but still gorgeous!

: And a few pictures with people at Svoðufoss, Saxhóll Crater, and a lovely meal at Sker in Ólafsvík. …

: Buðir Church (Black Church), Svöðufoss, Lóndrangar, Snæfellsjökull.

: Bjarnarfoss and the other direction from Bjarnarfoss.

: Scenes from walking around Reykjavík.

: Doing important things in Reykjavik. Trying to stay awake.

: 7:50pm flight to Iceland tonight! 🤩

: Tags have arrived on Pika!

: That moment when you get a reminder that Siri typo’d when you told it to remind you of …

: My lack of blogging in June is an argument against forcing daily blogging (May). Though it could …

: Goodness, Ben Platt is talented.

: I always blamed my headphones (Bose 700) for bluetooth cutting out every few minutes as I listened …

: I’m torn on getting tickets to Purple Rain’s Minneapolis pre-Broadway premier. On one …

: Flooding is happening here.

: This day in dark patterns: > By enrolling in Domino’s Rewards, you agree to receive emails …

: For a few weeks each summer, this is life.

: That was certainly interesting.

: I’m a lucky guy. ❤️

: These are tasty!

: The Day One shared journal has been out for a while now. Anyone run into a review of it in practice? …





: Pretty excited about this Album Whale update, which was spurred on by the disappearance of Songwhip …

: Here ends me blogging every day.

: Today’s post is a bit nerdy–confusion with whois and nslookup. #weblogpomo2024

: Received an email that songwhip.com‘s API is going away. I think maybe all of Songwhip is going …

: Maybe next year. #weblogpomo2024

: Maintaining an old blog. #weblogpomo2024

: Share the things you like, y’all!

: Been fixing dead links on my old blog posts. Going through 2008 was rough. Maybe I should have spent …

: A little story from a different time. #weblogpomo2024

: The Jacksons and the Patriots #weblogpomo2024

: Really thankful to the good people at musicto for reaching out to me for an interview. If you need a …

: Hey Piggy Piggy Piggy Pig Pig #weblogpomo2024

: 😂

: Screen Time Doesn’t Work (For Me)

: A reminiscence of my music appreciation.

: The IndieWeb carnival asks your thoughts on creative environments #weblogpomo2024

: We at Good Enough are happy to be entering the alpha stage for our new shared inbox product, …

: Wherein I talk about some things I’ve been repeating: Gettin’ Reps.

: On a more serious note, all blogs are welcome.

: I thought it was about time to share my blogging workflow. Happy Friday!

: I suppose AI will be helpful at some point, but some of these attempts are pretty dumb. Especially …

: I believe that we are the curators of the web. #weblogpomo2024

: We saw the northern lights.

: Dear Evan Hansen

: Mother’s Day Soccer

: Abandoned Tabs

: A good day that included a private concert.


: Seeking Ikigai #weblogpomo2024

: How am I just running into these web toys for the first time today?! Tom’s Toys

: Focus

: Really proud of this one. Today we launched a time travel machine: Guestbooks for everyone on Pika. …

: I’m joining the latest internet meme with Thoughts on Chips.

: Track Meets #weblogpomo2024

: I was today years old when I learned that Olivia Rodrigo’s Obsessed was co-written by Annie …

: Gardening the Blog

: Do We Need a Satellite Communicator for Remote Trips?

: From the blog: Work Hard (or not).

: Post 2 of #WeblogPoMo2024 and I’m already cheating: Find Bugs Once and the Joy of Bug Fixing

: Post one of WeblogPoMo: Things I Like About Things. (Though I think I’m too late to make the …

: Alright, let’s see if this gets me off the phone pellet bar for a bit.

: Aviation

: So is there a way for me to delete almost every app off of my iphone and revert to where it is now …

: I think that self-promotion is a particular difficulty for those of us trying to turn the tide of …

: Some highlighted quotes from I Cheerfully Refuse.

: This month’s IndieWeb Carnival theme is “Good Enough,” so of course I had to …

: Did the Third Man Records tour today and pulled the fortunate Ben Blackwell tour guide lottery …

: I wrote a little bit about how we (Good Enough) and all the small shops out there need your …

: It happened!

: I just got to Inbox Nine in my personal email and I’m going to call it very good! I think …

: Last night.

: Resurfaced a very old post from another place, another time: My First Program. Perhaps you have a …

: This is rather amazing: xkcd.com/2916/

: A bit of a stream (heh) of consciousness on the streaming pendulum.

: Once upon a time if you wanted a product or service, you paid for it. That, but for online things.

: TIL: You can no longer programmatically ping search engines with updates to your sitemap in an …

: Finally wrapped up Ted Lasso. You can talk about it in front of me now. 🤣

: Anyone out there successfully using mailbrew? Tell us how you’re using it?

: That woodworking content you so desire: bjhess.com/posts/saf…

: I decided to pick up a decently-priced Kindle Oasis 3 on eBay. Hope it works well enough!

: Thanks for the e-reader feedback on my last post. I want to go with a Kobo Libra 2, but losing the …

: Happy new Leif Enger book day to those who celebrate!

: Another good oral history: Conan O’Brien’s First Year at “Late Night”

: Just created a to-do in Todoist: “Figure out how to organize my million to-dos and projects.” I …

: Last full day. 🏖️

: Small Towns Everywhere

: I’m sure I’ve read this before, but The Oral History of Prince’s Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show. Some …

: “Some of My 300 Open Tabs,” a blog series. Or in other words, I could probably just use these open …

: A browser that keeps track of where you came from when clicking that link. “That post from Mastodon …

: My 2nd gen Kindle seems to finally be dead. Now what do I get?!

: Blogged: You Deserve It

: A rainy day, so we’re thinking Ghostbusters.

: So far, so good.

: Alright, friends, it’s time to go on vacation. Tomorrow we’re off too the sunny Florida …

: You should probably listen to Anna Meredith: Nautilus.

: Olivia Rodrigo with the girls tonight. Can’t say I’ve been to a concert with that volume of crowd …

: My friend Nate’s Oscar round up is quite a worthwhile read. It’s a great jumping-off …

: I’m very heartened by the positive response to Pika, and very impressed with the writing that …

: Been holding on to this since last July in Togari, Japan. Tonight was finally the right time to …

: In February Good Enough took a little break from Pika to build a prototype for our next thing. So …

: So a majority of the blogs in the world will soon be opted in to acting as training grounds for AI …

: Love this sort of stuff: Final Fantasy VII is the Best.

: Pika should also probably have a WordPress and Tumblr import option right about now… lemme know if …

: Given the latest blogging memes, it seems like Pika should add a guestbook option…

: I blogged: P.M. Dawn

: TIL: fonts.bunny.net Bunny Fonts is an open-source, privacy-first web font platform designed to put …

: that’s numberwang

: I probably should make watching Prince’s Super Bowl halftime show an annual event. Chills …

: Blogging: Why We Love Baseball

: Never thought I was going to grin reading a customer support response about our privacy policy, but …

: A browser extension that fills in the ages of my kids on every. single. travel. website.

: I wonder if anyone has actually been able to figure out how to run ads on DuckDuckGo without being …

: An IndieWeb carnival blog: Digital Relationships Offer Real Hope

: As it’s coming to Broadway, via Minnesota, I suppose I should finally see the Purple Rain …

: Doing that product launch thing for Pika today on Product Hunt. 🎉 We’re really proud of the …

: Does anyone successfully use a social network, say, once a day or twice a week? If so, tell me your …

: Remember The Deck ad network? Is there anything that even approaches it these days in terms of the …

: New Pika post: Some thoughts on Project Tapestry

: Pika has officially launched! Lots of good, hard work this past month and we’ve got something …

: How Do Search Ads Run the World?

: Now I’m in Microsoft Ads and I can’t even enter my credit card. This is amazing.

: Spent the afternoon with Google Ads. It’s fascinating to me that something with such a …

: Whiskey Rebellion

: Welcome to Wrexham

: My First Mac: bjhess.com/posts/my-…

: It’s kind of hard to search for this: Do you know any good newsletters that are primarily …

: Joe Mauer, First Ballot

: Family & Travel Journaling

: Proper launch for Pika is imminent. The team has worked hard through sickness all month to get here. …

: Giving MistoBox Coffee a Try

: I finished The Chronicles of Narnia. It was more than a little troubling.

: For those who visit Japan frequently, and fly 10+ hours, what is your minimum stay requirement given …

: I think I found that URL redirection service I was after: Redirect Pizza.

: Trade Coffee Pricing Gets Convoluted

: HTTPS Traffic Redirection Service?

: Micro.blog ingesting of outside RSS feeds seems pretty hit-or-miss to me? You have the same …

: Working with Mild Illness

: Just finished up Demon Copperhead. What a ride. My first Barbara Kingsolver fiction book, if you’re …

: You’re a Blogger, Not an Essayist

: We at Good Enough have been cranking on Pika this week. None of this has really landed in the …

: Flights to Iceland booked for July. Now to get planning!

: Letting three domains expire: thingslearned.net, thingslearned.org, and thingsfound.org. These were …

: Parents of U.S. college kids, how you liking that FAFSA rollout amirite?

: Just deployed draft posts to Pika. Felt a bit uncomfortable as it doesn’t have quite the …

: Paku Paku. Genius.

: The family watched The Super Mario Bros. Movie. The bits I saw seemed pretty good, but I just …

: I’m so glad that I got two of these Tim Robinson Zip Line guys before they sold out!

: Adam Wood’s (@adam) 2023 album list is out! That means I have plenty to listen to in 2024. Yay!

: Over on the Pika side, worked the past day+ to update posts so that they no longer require a title. …

: Steve Wilson has ChatGPT write a Christmas song in the style of Steven Wilson. December Skies.

: Pika Pages have arrived! It’s still a little rough around the edges, but I can now run my personal …

: Listening to the preview of The Power Broker podcast and felt intrigued enough to consider reading …

: Giving Omnivore a try over Matter. Looks like a solid option with a nice sync-highlights-to-Obsidian …

: I brought up desk treadmills in the past, but the roadblock in my mind is what do I do with it when …

: This week’s Pika status, along with some personal-site inspiration: Pika Gliding Along.

: Wondering if anyone has this workflow (readflow?)? Subscribe to site via RSS > Skim feed reader …

: For the rest of the month I’m going to try things like Play (https://marcosatanaka.com/#play) and …

: I wrote this in my personal log, but then thought…why not write it here? What if I stripped back to …

: Robin Rendle makes you think, with a perfect line: I am a poem I am not software. Of course Yay.Boo …

: Explain to me how Apple has gotten away with its Calendar email notification implementation being …

: I just learned that DICK’s Sporting Goods bought Moosejaw, which made me sad. Moosejaw emails and …

: After nearly 20 years I, with help from Good Enough, finally wrote blogging software. Now, now, Pika …

: My Apple Music Replay is completely fictional. When Tina Turner died I probably listened to 10 …

: A fascinating review of the new Garth Brooks release. Call him the James Harden of country music.

: We plan to open up an alpha version of our blog software later today or tomorrow morning (US). It …

: Snack time. A favorite that came home with us from Japan.

: I’m ordering 4 tickets to a medium-sized college basketball game. It’s through AXS. 4 …

: I’ve had my iPad mini for a month or so and must say it hasn’t been as life-changing as the YouTube …

: That feels good. Only 13 years after getting the standing desk!

: Trying on the IBM Plex font family.

: You have successfully taken action to keep your Google Workspace account for the organization, …

: One. More. Blog. Software! Our little alpha at GE is coming along. Hopefully something play-withable …

: Last night I saw Brit Floyd for the second time this year. In a smaller city, closer to where we …

: Things are coming along. (Still currently with a mission of “software to make my personal …

: I think I’m a RubyMine (JetBrains) person now.

: Here I go with another killer idea. We’ve decided to write personal blog software at Good …

: You running multiple monitors. This might save your sanity.

: Since I went Apple TV a few years ago I frequently have to re-login to apps. Logged in to ESPN to …

: Recycling.

: Was surprised to get to the last episode of Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones and see nearby …

: Wow, Firefox.

: Still referencing RailsCasts after all these years. 😂

: Broke down and ordered a Keychron Q1 keyboard (fully assembled) to compare and contrast against the …

: I was excited for macOS Sonoma (which I finally installed) because I recalled that it would change …

: Anyone have a recommendation for blue light blocking eyeglass clip ons? I have a prescription and …

: Today Good Enough’s Letterbird takes flight. Letterbird is a free contact form on the web that …

: Anyone out there just use Facebook Marketplace and not Facebook proper? Like is that possible? …

: This year I’ve learned to appreciate walking as a healthy habit. It’s getting cold and I …

: When do we get the Mark Zuckerberg episode of Hot Ones?

: I’ve been collecting a linkroll of places I like to visit from time to time to discover new …

: weirdwide.website

: I wonder what it would cost to buy weirdwideweb.com?

: It’s been a minute since I posted about Yay.Boo. We now have some example pages to hopefully …

: I somehow finished reading White Noise by Don DeLillo. Is the movie better?

: Someone tell me when I should update to watchOS 10.

: One big hurdle for me in woodworking / home projects is the design process. When I’m in the …

: Where do you pick up audiobooks? I don’t listen at a fast enough pace for Audible, but I’m running …

: Finally got my Bear notes and Evernote notes/PDFs moved to either Obsidian or my macOS file system. …

: After months of work, my friend Rianna has launched her popcorn shop and it’s fantastic! If …


: Drake marching band. (A football game has broken out around their show, apparently.)

: Been trying to use the Kinesis Adv 2 board for 8 months. The alternative layout is still not stuck …

: A night of fellowship, sharing memories of our close friend who passed away with a sudden illness …

: I’ve been avoiding social media. I think I’ll continue a bit. See you on the waves of RSS!

: I was today years old when I learned that Minnie Riperton is Maya Rudolph’s mother: …

: Played around with Yay.Boo this morning. I think the URLs are self explanatory? date.yay.boo …

: Pretty please?

: I picked up an iPad Mini. I plan for it to be a thoughtful consumption device. NetNewsWire, Matter, …

: The Ticketmaster four ticket limit is really a bummer for a family of five.

: Oh, I finally broke down and ordered an iPad Mini. That means a new announcement is imminent!

: Some good stuff hitting the Good Enough printer. Thanks, @jthingelstad! 😆

: Giving Panic’s Nova for Ruby on Rails development a try, so far with the Ruby on Rails …

: I adored Hasan Minhaj’s Homecoming King. That makes this story especially disappointing. Sure, make …

: Surprised myself in self-discovering that at most times if I’m alone I’d rather watch a …

: Janelle Monáe was very good. Glad to have seen her live.

: Quite an interesting project: Postmarks single-user bookmarking website.

: Basically every radio station is playing Fast Car and We Didn’t Start the Fire. Welcome to …

: I still go to smile.amazon.com.

: I love going to concerts. There’s one I want to see tonight. I have tickets to Janelle Monáe …

: Wishing Steven Wilson had a mailing list in addition to an RSS news feed. (Unless I’m missing it?) I …

: Rue Saint-Paul dans le Vieux-Montréal.

: Musée de l’Illusion Montréal.

: Pizza in Little Italy in Montréal.

: I love you Canada. I love you CF Montréal. But this is a crime against nature.

: CF Montréal.

: Must Fairmount!

: Ready for the lights and organs. Basilique Notre-Dame a Montréal.

: Off to Montréal!

: Yes, throwing it back.

: Throwing it back in time tonight.

: Japanese nail houses: lonelyrobottheme.substack.com/p/japanes… Interesting in light of the …

: Just passed The Many Masks of Andy Zhou by Jack Cheng to my seventh grader. If you have a middle …

: TIL: Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers) played drums on Dua Lipa’s Break My Heart.

: Not an active threat Last night there were gunshot wounds at a White Sox game in the third inning, and two women were hit …

: Hey, y’all, I got my first Apple Music Discovery Station recommendation!

: I like to track the concerts and musicals I go to on Album Whale. Most the time I even write about …

: Apparently the voice of Mario is stepping away from the role. This is his actual website: …

: I’m starting to wonder if no one has ever actually gotten a Time Machine backup server to work …

: Remember the Photo Blog, inspired by @skoobz and @jthingelstad.

: New Wong, y’all! Cory Wong - The Lucky One.

: The latest Good Enough Newsletter includes a link to receive a mailing of A Good Enough Zine. Please …

: Looking forward to Manu’s People and Blogs

: A blog about Fast Car.

: This is five years old, but I just ran into it and it’s fascinating: Last of the Iron Lungs.

: I wrote about fixing things. I’m not entirely sure why, but I wrote about it!

: I would like to see notes from the Gmail design meeting where they decided to plop a “mark as …

: I just ran into Zara Larsson for the first time. My goodness, what pop music! Zara Larsson, Tove Lo, …

: I accidentally transposed numbers in our PO Box when registering for informed delivery. It all went …

: Honestly, if you’re a Floyd fan I recommend Brit Floyd. First time and the music and light show was …

: A smokey night at Brit Floyd.

: Spent the morning listening to the Minnesota All-State bands, one including my daughter. As always …

: I wrote a blog about City Pop. Perhaps you’re curious?

: Ooo, that’s concerning that Bear blog’s RSS is read as invalid by Micro.blog. @help ?

: Barry: Amazon, please ship my two deodorants as slow as you want in order to save on boxes. Amazon: …

: This is the week I learn to get myself to sleep at night. (Please!)

: Into the Woods at the Guthrie.

: Anyone know if reverse captcha is still a thing? (A hidden field that should always be empty, but …

: A sadly limited list of theaters showing Oppenheimer in 70mm IMAX.

: The downside of leaving for 17 days is it seems like some stuff just stops working without use. My …

: We’re home. And we’re ready to go back. 🇯🇵❤️🇰🇷

: Airport transport arrives in an hour. One last sit in Seoul. Gwanghwamun Square.

: Last full day of the trip. See my prior post for the great start to the day - seeing where our …

: Two of our nephews were adopted from South Korea and today we were able to visit the orphanage where …

: Quite a day in Seoul. Walked through the Gyeongbokgung Palace grounds and Bukchon Village in hanbok; …

: Empties.

: Travel day to our last stop of the trip. We got some Seoul time in tonight.

: Fuji-san eventually cooperated as we canoed around Uno Island with our excellent guide.

: While walking Kawaguchiko.

: Lights of the nighttime hikers on Mt. Fuji. (3-second exposure.)

: Cafe in Kawaguchiko.

: The sting of leaving Togari is alleviated a bit after a travel day to a room with this view.

: Wasabi chips are kind of amazing.

: Some tears as we leave Rich, Meike, and Togari. 🥲

: One more from last night of me and Takuya nailing Aerosmith.

: Ended the night singing karaoke with the locals. Or as the kids said, “making a core memory.”

: Visiting a minka (traditional Japanese farmhouse) under renovation to become a restaurant.


: House swallow.

: Today…was unbelievable. We climbed a mountain with the neighborhood, who open the shrine up once per …

: Iiyama rice fields.

: It’s bedtime in the storehouse.

: Asahi in Togari, Iiyama, Japan.

: Post box in Kanazawa.

: When in Kanazawa one must have gold leaf ice cream.

: Hitching a ride.

: Hmm, looks like micro.blog photo posting is not working quite right… might drop like 5 posts on you, …

: Travel day today. Hitching a ride, Omi-Cho market, when in Kanazawa one must have gold-leaf ice …

: Today we were attacked by Nara deer, visited “big” Buddha at Todai-ji (including practicing cleaning …





: Today was a low-key break day. Walked to downtown Kyoto via Kamo River, hit the department store …

: Meanwhile in Japan…


: We had a fabulous bike ride around Kyoto, seeing Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavillion), rice fields, and the …

: Today we said goodbye to Tokyo, rode the Shinkansen to Kyoto, visited Kiyomizu-dera, walked in the …


: Today we learned the way of the ninja, ran into an unexpected festival, gathered around the tiny …

: I grew up on the Metrodome, so this is absolutely mind bending.

: Stationary shopping, Ginza walking, Sensō-ji Temple visiting, people watching, Skytree seeing, tuna …

: Pretty pretty pretty good start to Tokyo.

: Morning view.

: Leaving for Japan tomorrow. A friend sent me this helpful “intro to summer” video to …

: In 4 days we head on vacation to Japan and South Korea. We are beyond excited, and a little anxious. …

: Writing elsewhere - I wrote about how we built Quack (Beta).

: Writing elsewhere - I wrote about why we built Quack (Beta).

: Have you ever simply wanted to post some markdown to the internet and receive a link to a …

: Achy Breaky Heart reached a higher peak on the Billboard pop charts than Smells Like Teen Spirit.

: Sometimes I pull rabbits out of hats as a dad, but I don’t think magicking Taylor Swift …

: I dislike throwing things away. Do I spend $80+ (and time) replacing the main board of a 10-year-old …

: I can just share this when people ask what we’re doing right now at Good Enough: …

: Looking around, it both feels like America doesn’t care to drive regular cars anymore and America …


: Let the fast and furious marching band season begin!

: We got more than we bargained for at the Twins game last night!

: Lucked into something.

: Finished reading: Recursion: A Novel by Blake Crouch 📚 Pretty, pretty, pretty good!

: I probably haven’t officially asked here as I’m not very comfortable publicizing myself… …

: So here’s the question. If I want to search for a place real people are talking about, say, …

: Barenaked Ladies.

: Semisonic.

: Del Amitri

: The Apple Watch feature that I want is automatically recording outdoor walks omg.

: I find this to be amazing. Needless to say I haven’t watched much of my Twins in the past …


: Happy new Ben Folds day!

: Colleague Lettini’s addiction has me wanting to hop into Tears of the Kingdom.

: Gonna try getting more “engaged” into socials (Twitter, Mastodon) via our Good Enough accounts. Wish …


: Rhythm Nation.




: Wheel surgery. (Crew Outfitters rollerblade wheels.)

: Who showed me this? I don’t remember, but looks like a fun daily practice. vole.wtf/daybrix/

: I wrote about the surprises inherent in working with the Good Enough remote team: …

: So. Dumb.


: Dot dot dot…

: This is quite the combination of Wi-Fi networks.

: Stanford.









: Ah, the time honored tradition of not passing your driver’s test for obscure happenstance. …

: Oh, and here’s our latest Good Enough Newsletter. Sign up if you’d like to keep updated …

: Whelp, we used ChatGPT to write our mission statement and I’m pretty happy with the results: …

: I’m in the process of trying to move from a consumption mindset to more of a creation mindset across …

: You know if Obsidian Publish supported RSS it might become my homepage, blogging, and microblogging …

: I would like a Bluesky invite, but I think only to claim my typical username Just in Case ™.

: Ah, the spirit of music.

: Lots of Frank Lloyd Wright today.

: That moment when you buy the official $$$s Apple cable only to see constant “cable HDCP blah blah …

: Heading to Chicago in a couple of hours for a short, short visit. If you have any recs for a family …

: Today feels like the first day of spring for us here in southern Minnesota. Sad that it’s late, but …

: Related to my recent posts, for the foreseeable future I’m going to try blogging at Bear Blog …

: My default setting is to ideals. Ironically, it’s not “good enough.” I can set ideal decision making …

: I ran into a very insightful suggestion on a podcast recently. It was related to those of us trying …

: About a year ago I wrote about my HTML-only blog, but I’m giving Bear Blog a try now. Not having a …

: The true history of the world is the history of great conversations. – Peter Dinklage as Tyrion …

: That was pretty good. Hiatus Kaiyote.

: I did a bit of a blog over at Good Enough. This was basically written 6 weeks ago. I probably should …

: When in Houston.

: After yesterday’s (surprising) undefeated day at World robotics, the team had a (surprising) …

: FIRST robotics championships, Houston.

: You know how hikers have the “leave no trace” mantra? That, but for public restrooms.

: I got to push the big red button. #loldesign

: I have a lot of good memories of the ol’ Netflix queue.


: I was reminded (thanks @JohnPhilpin) that my old blog posts mostly have broken images. I found an …


: I’ve never been able to form the habit of taking daily notes in a notebook or a digital …

: I’m trying the Arc browser again. I think I’m finally starting to get it now. (And I …

: It fascinates me that BDG (for those in the know – I’m not one of those in the know), the …

: Love this found footage. Pink Floyd 1975!

: I ran into thehtml.review for the first time and plan to peruse it soon. Interesting!

: An ode to the airport bathroom A place Where your paper towel Goes in the urinal Did you walk back …

: Just talked to Chat GPT for a bit. I asked it to write a blog in Sinatra (Ruby). Progressively I …






: Today.


: This is sorta so so: mobile.twitter.com/BEASTMODE… But then you get to: …

: I’m close to the “build my own site generator in Ruby” stage of my blog. Probably inspired by barf. …

: The Last of Us on HBO was outstanding. Now to re-play the game or move straight to The Last of Us 2, …

: TLOU #okay

: I like to print articles from time to time in order to read them on paper. I wish macOS’s …

: I was today years old old when I realized Lumbergh is also Kent Davison (Veep).

: I had totally forgotten about the game Hard Hat Mack. Every few years one of those games I played …

: My phone is randomly restarting throughout the day, variably saying my phone has a normal amount of …

: Let’s see what everyone is going on about.

: Very interesting and has me thinking. Thinking. https://craigmod.com/essays/memberships_year_four/

: A little more about what we’re trying to accomplish with Good Enough: …

: It’s fun to send out a newsletter and find that people are getting Gmail suspicious link …

: I’m a Mac person. Anyone doing most of their PC gaming via GeForce Now? Share your setups! 🕹️ …

: We bought a Mazda CX-5. Its actual-button touch screen controls make every other car touch screen …

: Over the years I’ve always kept my mobile browser tabs to about 100. Every few months I’d go through …

: Sadly I can not unsubscribe. It’s nice to constantly be bombarded with examples in the world …

: What a weird way to announce the elimination of a free tier. If I’m gonna pay someone for …


: Just watched Marcel the Shell. One daughter is still emotional after the movie, which we finished 20 …

: I love that the MN DNR has a climate journal back into history. There’s a legacy journal as …

: How weird am I? I own Pisces Iscariot, but not Siamese Dream. 🎵

: And what is love in the end? Except the irrational desire to put evolutionary competitiveness …

: Dang:

: I’ve been told I’m old school when it comes to internet politeness. What do you think - cool to …


: Yes, /now pages clearly need a /then analog.

: I just came to the epiphany that my personal /now page updates could also be a personal newsletter …

: I’ve never really used a library for authentication or authorization in Rails. Thinking this …

: Was about to order a book last night, but then I searched my email and found I had ordered it a year …

: The Last of Us episode 5 was sure a gut punch.

: Not an inspiring set of phone number pointers from our log-processing service. (And, no, when I …

: Someone on our team posted Album Whale across 5 or 6 subreddits Friday and suddenly we have a bunch …

: Drumlines.

: Wow, Scott’s Cheap Flights picked up the going.com domain? Wonder what that cost? …

: This advice from my past self just “cost” me 60-90 minutes. Find Bugs Once and the Joy …

: [T]here is too little of what we really like in stories. I am afraid we shall have to try and write …

: This Hogwarts Legacy review is 9 out of 10, but it sure reads like a 7 or 8 review. Think I’ll …

: I just assume all resources that claim to teach the basics of marketing will be bad. Like they …

: I have some photo scans from the 1960s, most of which have severely degraded coloring. Some washed …

: Over 300 tabs open on my phone. I now have a goal to remove 5 per day (close and note them down …

: If we want to put @goodenough on Mastodon, what instance is a good fit? I’m thinking companies …

: I’ve been reading the short stories that Robin Sloan has available on the Internet. Two that …

: Fresh computer install means that I’ve found some new software to smooth out my daily. …

: Spent an hour trying to Google “I want to point a subdomain at a simple photo ‘streaming’ and/or …



: A good little rundown of software engineering things that are learned from experience. 💻

: The person who signed up for Amazon with my secondary email address has finally figured out they …

: Are there any “small business”y competitors to the Google app suite? We’d like to …

: Pleasantly surprised to see that Hiatus Kaiyote are coming to perform in the area in April. In the …

: Pretty excited about the latest Album Whale update: list formatting options. Since we’re …

: Where do you keep your electronic documents? I like to have a copy (scan/download) of all the …

: Finished reading: The Night In Question: Stories (Vintage Contemporaries) by Tobias Wolff 📚 A …

: This is my all day. IYKYK.

: Gettin’ into things. 🎵

: Just turned on auto deploy for our @goodenough apps. Feels uncomfortable, but going to live in that …

: See, this is why Bandcamp is nice. We’ve always loved their embed styling as compared to the …

: Mexican meatballs tonight were a hit. This is pre “rolling around in sauce.”

: Anyone here work with a small team and not use the Google Suite for collaboration? What do you use …

: Hmm, what if we ( @goodenough ) decided to make a 2023 version of StumbleUpon?

: Knowing how bad some picture books are, I think something like this could take off: AI storybook …

: My first Enzoni - highly recommended. And I made killer pizza tonight. Win-win!

: Realizing that I can’t turn on Apple end-to-end encryption because we maintain a lot of older …

: Every day I’m winning!

: Excited that we’ve been able to add Bandcamp support to Album Whale. For you Micro.blog folks, …

: Surprising my 15-months-ago self, I got some books out of storage.

: I have acquired a mild Fortnite addiction thanks to my kids. Good thing is we’re having fun playing …

: My good friend, Nate, has started a newsletter about theology and R-rated movies. He plans on …

: I grew up on a farm in rural Minnesota, yet I just heard the phrase “All boots, no cattle” for the …

: Finished reading: Sourdough by Robin Sloan. Didn’t enjoy this as much as Mr. Penumbra’s. …

: Why Not Mars (Idle Words) - an interesting takedown of the manned Mars mission.

: Happy New Year to those who celebrate.

: Heading to friends for our first normal NYE in a few years. Taking a break from cocktail mixing for …

: Last year’s unexecuted ideas mean I have two expiring domains that I’m going to have …

: Perhaps Teabag Style walking will be the 2023 health fad?

: What happens happens. And then we are gone. Author withheld because spoilers.

: Let’s all sign up. Let’s all blog! Bring Back Blogging.

: Speaking of logging in all the time, I have two different Apple TVs that daily are asking me to …

: Whenever I need to visit a web service I feel like I spend 25% of my time authenticating and …

: Finished reading Project Hail Mary: A Novel yesterday. The first half was a bit slow for me to work …

: An aggressive day of Klask.

: At least we’ll always have “Plaid, Inc. Privacy Litigation Settlement Administrator has …

: The little guys win again: “Equifax Breach Settlement Fund has sent you $5.21 USD.”

: Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. – Carrie Fisher I …

: I am done littering Fosstdon with my non-FOSS posts. Find me @bjhess@social.lol now!

: I know we bag on the Apple Music app a lot, but, man, has Calendar never been fully cooked. The …

: omg.lol account procured. Now to determine if I’m going to move my Fosstodon/Mastodon account over …

: I’ve had a standing desk that’s only been standing + stool-leaning for a decade. I think …

: I see omg.lol prices are going up next year? I should probably jump in and support the weird web.

: It’s nice to have a designer friend to help you out. Though we do have to tighten this up.

: Rails TIL. In Rails 7 you need to render with a status code in order for Flash.now to appear. …

: Just spent five minutes experimenting with adding things to Todoist via Apple Watch & Siri. Just …

: Things are happening…

: Starting the week with more RSS feed hacking. Let’s see if progress is made.

: A couple web form things I’ve never seen before.

: Reading the first 2/3s of Robin Sloan’s Year of New Avenues has me excited! Getting the word …


: Using render.com, we don’t get much in the way of log retention or searchability. Any service …

: Had an intresting conversation with a friend today, which included his statement that the WALL-E …

: Just pushed my All Time Favorites list out to Album Whale. This is a small portion of the eventual …

: Countdown to Red Hot Chili Peppers (and The Strokes) pre-order. I should really think of a budget …

: Read No Time Like the Future by Michael J. Fox 📚 Two MJF bios in one year seems like a bit much. I …

: I feel like every time there is a day I try to stay tech free, some random event puts me back on the …

: Not that I know soccer, but… It looked hopeful at times, but US just doesn’t have the passing …

: So I have this idea. What if there were a service that combined your consumed things into one feed. …

: Lots of lists have come through the past couple of days on Album Whale. Big thanks to the Micro.blog …

: Album Whale is open for signup! We’re just getting started and discovery features are on the …

: Also read Job: A Comedy of Justice by Robert A. Heinlein 📚

: Read Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan 📚 The right book, exactly. At exactly …

: Launching Album Whale this week. As it will launch with very few features, I think I’ll use a new …

: Doing some video processing (I take them off of iCloud and put them on my NAS for easy family Plex …

: DMB, been awhile.

: A few days until this little creation becomes useful to my community again: www.owatonnaparking.com

: What do you think happens when you click on this in macOS’s Apple Music?

: Last mild day for the fall, so I went for a walk.

: I turned on Apple Photos shared library to share photos with my wife. I’m always nervous, so I have …

: I’m thinking of getting a MacBook Pro when the next cycle is unleashed. 2023? Main reason is …

: If you’re consistent, I guess this’ll happen to everyone who plays daily. Wordle 505 1/6 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: I need to fire up an email sending service for an app I’m building. Mailgun is probably more …

: Amazon Prime says: More ad-free music, increasing from 2 million to over 100 million songs in …

: I turned on importing my Letterboxd posts into micro.blog, but I think its just a bit too loud. I …

: Gold Rush.

: Kentucky Maid.

: SIX night.

: Black Adam, 2022 - ★★★ Do I have to rate these things? I dunno. Don't love rating things! I tend to like The Rock. Lots of …

: No No: A Dockumentary, 2014 - ★★★★ I've always been a big baseball fan, so this interested me more than most. The LSD no hitter was …

: Bibimbap night!

: Last Word

: Passing on my concert love to my middlest and her good friend. 🎵

: Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, 2016 - ★★★★ This was an interesting watch for me. I've heard my parents and aunt talk about Debbie Reynolds a …

: Hocus Pocus 2, 2022 - ★½ I read a review about this movie that compared this and the original to a Disney …

: Gonna try to turn on the letterboxd-micro.blog connection now. Sorry in advance for any mistakes I …

: Last night. Rachel Eckroth with my honey. 🎵

: It’s been well over 18 months and I don’t think I’ll ever figure out this vehicle’s battery …

: Based on tonight’s online liquor order, this will be my first ever winter of cocktails. (Like …

: Did you know Flea has studied jazz trumpet performance?

: I feel bad, but I had no idea that They Might Be Giants’ “Istanbul (Not …

: It was Detroit style night. I like it too much.


: Last minute date with myself.

: My view most days and why I invest in home audio. With winter coming I only grow more thankful. The …

: So if I add a new feed to micro.blog as “Add posts to Micro.blog timeline”, will it only …

: Read: Beautiful Country: A Memoir of An Undocumented Childhood by Qian Julie Wang 📚 This was really …

: Related to my post about the pretty album thing we’re working on, I share with you Shfl. …

: Related to my previous posts about album search, we’re getting somewhere. Certainly more to …

: Related to finishing Four Thousand Weeks, I’m pretty excited that my my Kindle highlights came …

: Finished reading: Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman 📚 Yeah, that was good. Though I never …

: Just now realizing that Pink Floyd’s “Echoes” predates The Phantom of the Opera. …

: I picked up a Baronfig Confidant notebook for my nightly journal. I’m not as impressed with it …

: Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets.

: Finished reading: LaserWriter II: A Novel by Tamara Shopsin 📚 It was fine. It was quick.

: Listened to The Rumor, a podcast about an old rumor related to a postponed game during Cal …

: Heaven’s River by Dennis E. Taylor 📚 Loved the Bobiverse series at the outset, and was still …

: If you are an iPhone user and want to try the Bluetooth earbud game, but don’t want to shell out for …

: There needs to be a central API for album/music search. One that provides album details, art, and …

: 🎵 Blue Heron Suite by Sarah Jarosz A beautiful recording. It feels like the band is sitting in the …

: Trying to decide if I want to ask some friends if any of them want to spend one arm and one leg to …

: This week has me thinking hard about habits. Habit is the most powerful thing in the world in how it …

: I have not really sat and listened to many Bruce Springsteen albums. Winding down this Friday …

: Oleta Adams first received international acclaim for her work with Tears for Fears, lending needed …

: I wonder why macOS replaced the nice photo quick preview with this tiny version?

: Socks rocked off.

: A package from overseas.


: If I’m listening to an album that I’m discovering for the first time, is it interesting …

: Two of my daughters wanted to get into vinyl. I love it! However, I have successfully steered them …


: Heading to a Shins concert tonight. Excited! 🎵

: I am working on upgrading my home stereo. Oh the rabbit holes I am going down. 🎵

: Shop towels.

: Saw some art today.

: Did you know there is an MST3K text adventure game released in 1996? Though I don’t think it …

: Just drafted my newsletter to send out on Wednesday. It always has some writing that is not part of …

: Finished reading: The Stone Sky (The Broken Earth Book 3) by N. K. Jemisin 📚 Now I’m reading …

: Watched Licorice Pizza tonight. I had no clue Philip Seymour Hoffman’s son was the male lead, but I …

: Saw Bullet Train and had a good time. Go and enjoy it! I also just realized you could run a whole …

: Art: Pickle. [T]he pickle remained stuck to the ceiling, using only ketchup remnants and …

: And she’s off!

: I encourage you all to build strong relationships with your children. Though I will warn you that …

: None of the trailers for The Rings of Power have given me any hope…until this one. Maybe?

: This response to “Quiet Quitting” is delicious. Bosses want to be religious leaders …

: Confession: I’m a life-long Minnesotan and a rock & roll fan, but I’ve never really …

: Took our daughter to a famous clinic today to (thankfully) find out she didn’t need a (minor) …


: Found myself in a strange place tonight.

: The Decemberists. 🎵

: I like to look at set lists leading up to a concert, usually making a playlist to listen to …




: USA folks, the new IRA Bill seems to have some benefits to the homeowner. Particularly in the world …

: Heh. Ran into old school Book-A-Minute and Movie-A-Minute. Reminds me of a project I tried way back …

: The Greatest Salesman in the World is not a book about sales, but about habit formation. I believe …

: Did I ever share Rediscovering the Small Web here? If not, why not? Probably one of the micro.blog …

: I’ve spent a lot of time in my life learning about saving, finance, and investing. That …

: I downloaded Arc right before vacation, which was probably a bad idea. It couldn’t import my …

: A concert.

: Netflix download management for travel with four family members using four devices is…broken. My …

: The final hiking day of our trip was Bryce Canyon. Gorgeous. Went down Wall Street and over to …

: Grand Canyon north rim today. I had no idea how beautifully forested this area was. Breathtaking at …

: Today was a shorter day. Not as hot temperature-wise, but seems like they brought in some humidity? …

: Subway in Zion was an absolute butt-kicker. On the hike for over 10 hours, but totally worth it even …

: Zion with a little bit of The Narrows.

: Sand dunes and sand caves.

: A Brief History of Nobody Wants to Work Anymore ahahahaha 🔗

: Heading to southern Utah tomorrow for lots of hiking and views. I might decide to post lots of …

: I feel like my Netflix downloads are always set to expire mid-trip. Seems like there should be a …

: Sculpture, what does it mean?

: A good night. 🎵

: Good Enough is taking a summer break, but we squeezed out one last newsletter for all of our …

: Paradox of choice over here as I try to plan our southern Utah itinerary. Heading out for 9 days …


: Camp Cucamonga, a TV movie from 1990, is not available for streaming anywhere and my wife is not …

: Our roof was replaced last week while we were gone on a marching band trip. The roofers did not do …

: It was a trip with challenges, but the kids had a blast and they got experiences like this. Success!


: Wet theme park conditions on this very trying “vacation” as a chaperone.

: This is not a vacation.

: Our silliest Good Enough newsletter yet. It doesn’t feel like a day to be silly, but maybe that’s …

: I think Observations on 6 years of journaling might have helped me to crack the code of this thing I …

: Oliver Burkeman’s latest newsletter includes this bit. I’m happy to read someone …

: News flash: Aaron Copland is pretty good. 🎵

: Finished up The Revenge of Analog by David Sax, featuring @patrickrhone and @rohdesign. Good eats!📚

: Related to that prior post, take a look at this video/audio toybox, Xorberax Visualizer. How fun is …

: Sometimes these folks get to be a little much, but it is true that Poolsuite FM is an inspiration …

: It’s marching band season.

: Some good spam asking for blog links: I stumbled upon your article here micro.bjhess.com/page/3/. …

: 🎵 Hard (2022) by Tove Styrke Pop that brings you back. Gated drums on the intro track make you think …

: Taking a break as the oldest wraps up her college orientation.

: Friday. Jack White. 🎵

: 🍿 Wrath of Man (2021) It was pretty good…Guy Ritchie without the Guy Ritchie. Not sure why …

: Victor Wooten is amazing and this is amazing. I should have taken about five pages of notes on this …

: Did they fix the Apple Music app? #wwdc

: Woke up today to doevery.day having an order of magnitude more sign ups than it has had before. …

: Listening to vinyl again for the first time in a while. Shostakovich – Symphony No. 5 is good for …

: Let the summer of margaritas commence.

: Finished reading: Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert 📚

: I just had a nighttime video call with a friend. Typically with evening hangs, especially virtual, I …

: I surprised myself and wrote one oblique sort of thing about how I’m feeling in this America …

: We just wrapped up A Good Enough Newsletter and it will go out this afternoon. This time there will …

: 🎶 There’s a new release of Max Richter’s take on Vivaldi. (I talked about this …

: Is there a Twitter client that allows you to cut Twitter’s feature set to the following? …

: Holding court at the bedroom window.

: Walked around the graduation party setup this morning. Then went back into my quarantine. This is …

: Now I’ve been banned from lobste.rs for the reason that I’m supposedly a duplicate user …

: I feel like I’m approaching one of those moments where I have to strip everything away, make it all …

: I watched The Phantom Thread tonight in my quarantine room. Now I need a film studies class to …

: 🔗 These remixes by The Reflex are amazing.

: 🔗 Some lovely light reading while sitting in bed with COVID: About Those Kill-Switched Ukranian …

: Wow, the original WWW logo was spectacular.

: After 2 years of our house being COVID-free, today is the day. I’m the winner of the COVID …

: First time I’ve played it and… Framed #63. 🎥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ framed.wtf I’ve never seen the movie in …

: Coming soon the makers of doevery.day bring you A Good Enough Newsletter. To support these wacky web …

: I’ve got all the posts I care to transition transitioned to the new HTML+CSS version of my …

: Shawn shared this with me today. It’s amazing.

: 🔗 In a recent newsletter I wrote about how I gave up on the book Ducks, Newburyport, so I really …

: So now that I’ve moved my main blog off of Micro.blog, my theory is that I will feel more …

: I’ve decided to bring my main site & blog back in-house. bjhess.com is not using a …

: Fortunate to take my two brass-playing kids to see Canadian Brass this afternoon. Such virtuosos! …

: doevery.day now has a cheering feature for log entries. Cheer on your friends. Be cheered by your …

: 🔗 Earth Reviews

: 🔗 A Hidden Art Form You’ll Flip For

: Did you know in 2005 a song called “My Humps” sat at number 3 on the Hot 100 for 6 weeks?

: Magic for your locks that no longer seem to be working with your key.

: 🍿 The Batman (2022) I went into this expecting a super hero movie. By the end I realized it was more …

: The Minnesota Timberwolves made me feel very Minnesotan tonight. Oof.

: I’m very thankful to @jean for bringing doevery.day to the @theweeklyreview podcast. It was …

: I think my least favorite response to reporting a bug to a company is “Here, look at our …

: 🔗 The Former Netflix DVD Library Is a Lost Treasure We’ll Never See Again This does make me sad. …

: First fire of the year.

: Prepping for a music boosters benefit concert tonight. Music!

: 🔗 Practically Paperless with Obsidian For those that followed along with my Obsidian questions last …

: 🔗 This art was made by a computer This is just absurdly mindblowing. I want to try it, but …

: If you are a person who has a thousand ideas and directions you want to go, how have you managed to …


: Sanibel Island


: Yesterday evening.

: The ice cream is choice, as is the passive aggression. This sign went well with the “Don’t tilt …

: 📺 W/ Bob & David (2015) I’m a huge Mr. Show fan, so of course I watched this. Maybe it was …



: Starting vacation off with some mini golf.

: So my friend Shawn and I have put together a website to help us stay motivated to do the daily thing …

: From Dobby Gibson’s “Ode to the Future”, published in Little Glass Planet: so …

: 📺 Sweet Tooth (2021) As a Jeff Lemire fan who has never read his Sweet Tooth comics (I know), this …

: 🎵 Nine Lives (2022) by Kendra Morris Been a long time since Morris released an album and I’m …

: Who remembers Userscripts? Here’s a mirror of the old site. I wanted to add a shortcut to the …

: I am trying Obsidian, but want it to work without having to dive deep into the details. Is that …

: 📺 The Afterparty (2022) Kind of a fun modern take on Clue.

: 🍿 Philomena (2013) What an outstanding film! Judi Dench is superb and Steve Coogan provides a great …

: 📚 God of Nothingness (2021) by Mark Wunderlich & Against Heaven (2022) by Kemi Alabi I quite …

: 🦹 Criminal: The Last of the Innocent (2011) This is volume 6 in the Criminal series by Ed Brubaker …

: 📺 Ted Lasso, season 2 (2021) We watch television shows pretty slowly. Season 2 dug deep into some …

: There’s homemade falafel under all of that green.

: Sheet pan pancakes last night.

: My Current VS Code Shortcuts

: 🔗 Say yes and never do it I love this message. I think it can go further. In my head is a reasonable …

: 🍿 The Paper Tigers (2020) For our monthly movie, a friend and I were mutually in a …

: 🎵 Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi, the Four Seasons (2014) Vivaldi had never been my thing. Then …

: 🍿 Bo Burnham: Inside (2021) I’m on the “mostly enjoyed Bo Burnham’s Inside” …

: 📚 Head On (2019) by John Scalzi I appreciate the things Scalzi is accomplishing in this universe. …

: 🎵 Candid (2020) by Whitney A lovely cover album for a Friday afternoon. Candid by Whitney

: 🦹 Ascender (2021) Ascender is a fascinating series with beautiful watercolor art. I liked its …

: Does anyone else have an iCal (macOS) that is completely buggy? For years mine has: given me …

: 🍿 Spectre (2015) The Daniel Craig Bond movies are always good. Maybe it was lack of sleep or …

: The story of Mark Wunderlich’s poem Cuthbert rolls along so well. I didn’t realize until …

: For the fourth webapp I’m setting up in 2022, I’m trying Elixir and Phoenix rather than my …

: 🍿 Ron’s Gone Wrong (2021) Pretty decent little family movie. It had a few interesting ideas …

: 🍿 Last Night in Soho (2021) I love me some Edgar Wright, but I’m still not sure what I think …

: Do you have a thing you need to do every day? Writing, drawing, lifting heavy things or some other …

: 🎵 An Evening with Silk Sonic (2021) by Silk Sonic Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, and Silk Sonic – seems …

: 📚 Fish: a tap essay (2012) by Robin Sloan What an interesting experiment. It has some things to say.

: 🎵 What Kinda Music (2020) by Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes Was listening to this on repeat today.

: 📚 The Obelisk Gate (2016) by N. K. Jemisin I read this with audio. It’s a book two that found …

: 🎵 I Don’t Live Here Anymore (2021) by The War on Drugs

: 🍿 Letters to Juliet (2010) I wouldn’t use movie art to describe this movie, but it still …

: 🦹 The Immortal Hulk This has been a wild ride. A horror comic with many surprises. Volume 8 found me …

: I have a series of photos I want to share online. I want the page to basically just be the picture, …

: 🎵 The Dream (2022) by alt-J It’s finally out. Let’s see how it sounds… The Dream by …

: The poetry books I’m currently reading have quite the titles. Will see if these bring out my angst …

: With my return to daily coding, my wrists and left pinky are hurting while using my Apple keyboard. …

: 🦹 Eternals (2006) Neil Gaiman lends his considerable talents to revisit Eternals. The book felt like …

: I’m coding more again and starting to get pained using my magic keyboard. Though I wish for a …

: 📚 The Dream of Reason (2018) by Jenny George Lots of poems about animals. I didn’t jive with …

: Recipes. Seriously. Tonight I picked up the knife for a “preparation 5 minutes” recipe. …

: I’m starting to build up a list of my favorite albums as well as tracking those albums that I …

: 📚 Lucky Man by Michael J. Fox (2003) I may be 20 years late, but this is a good celebrity memoir. …

: 🍿 The Maze Runner (2014) This one really did depart quite a bit from the book. Partly I think that …

: Learning to sharpen chisels today.

: 📚 Prognosis by Jim Moore (2021) Now this is what I meant when I wrote about mixing with my mind by …

: Genius.

: 🎵 Obviously by Lake Street Dive (2021) I’ve listened to this 4 or 5 times in the past week. It …

: 🦹 Hawkeye: My Life as a Weapon (2013) This through volume four is roughly the basis for the Marvel …

: 📚 The Maze Runner (2010) I’ve tried to read along with each of the kids on at least one book …

: 🍽️ Spicy Thai Basil Chicken (Pad Krapow Gai) This is my favorite Thai restaurant order and Chef John …

: 🍿 Dolemite Is My Name (2019) It took a bit for me to get into the movie, but by the end I was quite …

: I’ve decided to run a edited newsletter montly. It will collate many of the posts here at the …

: 🍿 Red Notice (2021) Nothing ground breaking here, but a few laughs never hurt anyone.

: Whelp, the money shoe has dropped (RE: G Suite legacy free edition), which probably makes it so …

: 🍽️ Orecchiette with Sausage and Broccoli Could kind of eat this all night. Hope you like sausage! …

: 🎵 Brothertiger Plays Tears For Fears’ Songs From The Big Chair (2017) A friend turned me on to …

: From Jenny George’s collection The Dream of Reason (I could find no place to link to, so this …

: 🍽️ Black Bean and Roasted Salsa Soup Another out-of-the-park vegetarian option. Soup season!

: 🍽️ Street Cart Chicken & Yellow Rice I’ve made this twice now, and it is the real deal. I …

: 🍿 Dune (2021) This is the second time I’ve seen the movie now and I think I like it. It is …

: Living by what yet get, life by what you give. – Winston Churchill

: 🔗 Unsolicited Advice to Minnesota Children by Neil Hilborn I shouldn’t quote the whole thing …

: 🍿 Bolt (2008) My youngest had never seen this one, so we watched it tonight while the other kids …

: 📚 Where the Deer and the Antelope Play (2021) I like how Nick Offerman writes. It inspires me to be …

: Hello, Rails, old friend.

: 🔗 An app can be a home-cooked meal I am the programming equivalent of a home cook. What an …

: 📚 Dune (1965) I never read Dune as a kid. I tried to read Dune just out of college, but it …

: 🥘 Dilly Bean Stew with Cabbage and Frizzled Onions So much flavor, so few ingredients! Also, …

: Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors. – Jonas Salk

: 📚 Homie (2020) Did not hit me as hard as Don’t Call Us Dead. As with all Danez Smith, watching …

: 🍿 Raya and the Last Dragon (2021)

: 🍿 The Bird and the Whale (2018) Quite a pretty short movie, animated from thousands of paintings.

: I know that Micro.blog is designed not to have any private “things,” but it strikes me …

: God damn it, you’ve got to be kind. – Kurt Vonnegut

: 🍿 Men in Black 3 (2012) Watching all of these with the kids only to discover that I hadn’t …

: Micro.blogging I have decided to give Micro.blog an honest try in 2022. This means I am moving my blogging presence …

: A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

: Postcolonial Love Poem – I didn’t particularly understand anything I was reading. However, there was …

: Has anyone out there given clay.earth a try? Thoughts? I tend to just keep an ongoing log of notes …

: I’m back and I’m backfilling some things here on micro.blog. I tried bringing in my main …

: 🍿 Encanto (2021) That moment when you realize these two are the same people. Love it! 🍿

: 🍿 The Power of the Dog (2021) An impressive piece of filmmaking. The visuals, mood, music, and …


: Lasagna night. It was good, but the goodness did not match the effort on this one.

: Za:30 #pizzanight

: Shop projects

: No regrets

: Je né comprends rien

: Projects of great use!

: Omuraisu - my favorite use of leftover rice. I’m not a ketchup and eggs person, but …


: owatonnaparking.com

: Chicken fesenjan with saffron rice. #richandsilky

: Pizza night tonight was in the Buffalo style. (Thin, cheese and sauce to the edges, 1lb of cheese …

: Not great.

: #Dune #KyleMacLachlan

: Is this heaven?

: Made a fence rail thingy

: Before: After:

: Lawn mower repair.

: #johnny

: Getting the dust bunnies out. 💻

: #waiting

: It’™s been a long time We shouldn’t have left you Without a dope beat to step to 🎵




: #closed on our new home!



: #pilgrimage




: This were pretty good.

: Oh, Jesse.

: Jesse just got back from the grocery store. Wonder what’s for dinner?

: A fun UX primer in LEGO. www.designedbycave.co.uk/2020/LEGO…

: The farm.

: Kid found a computer in the closet.

: An interesting, though sad, story about the COVID hit to Kenyan tourism and conservancies.

: A friend turned me on to Allen Stone. Seems a positive, bluesy voice who is worth digging into a …

: Reading.

: Looking to Canada.

: We’re hiking in the north woods of Minnesota. Lake Agnes here.

: My blog archives ≤ 2021 are found at my homepage.

: Green shoots.

: Happy 20th Anniversary to the best partner I could ever ask for. Let’s get cake! 💓💓💓

: Pandemic, make-it-work router table. #homehomehome

: The girls’ band trip was wisely postponed this summer. Thankfully neither of them are seniors …

: I bet kids will be running around each other’s yards again soon, masked up playing robbers and …

: za:30

: My daughter, Ava, has been making coloring pages to pass the quarantime. Maybe you or one of your …

: Naively we visited germ factories.

: We went on pilgrimages.

: Y’™all remember weddings?

: Goonies never say die.

: I assume bacteria will eventually break down any tiny shards of glass from this fermentation mishap?

: My dad and I went down to Kansas City for some, what we hoped to be, warm April baseball. Mother …

: We had just gotten married and strangely decided to catch a sunrise. I remember we rented a Grand Am …

: Oh the lakes we have seen.

: In our younger days we would visit large cities. Sometimes we’d have family there to show us …

: One time long ago we even tried to camp. I don’t know if I’d choose that over …

: Badlands ‘99. Back when we used to drive around from place to place.

: About 20 years ago we went on a trip. That was nice. I enjoyed that.

: It paid off keeping a too-large container of yeast in the fridge for a couple years.

: That sinking feeling when…

: These tandoori barbecue chips for Aldi are really good, but methinks they take themselves a bit too …

: Visited the school.

: A friend texted me last weekend mentioning his temptation to go to his home office and do some more …

: Cleaning out some old folders in the filing cabinet.

: Before: And after:

: Happy birthday, Jesse! I wrote all the mushy, personal stuff in the card I gave you. I think this is …

: Did you know cranberry sauce is really easy…and really tasty?

: Mondays.

: Other side of the sunset at soccer. Sadly the game was called shortly after this due to lightning.

: Trash can.

: Humid fall soccer.

: Fish.

: Jesse’s taking me to a concert for which I bought tickets for a year ago for my birthday. She …

: Let’s do this.

: Meaningful baseball on August is a gift, but this is about the most exciting thing we’ve seen so …

: Yep.

: avie_h is into this selfie thing.



: `Tis the season.

: Not really ready to be done with vacation.


: Going the Distance.

: Tsunami? Ain’t No Thing.

: Tom Haverford in Small Clutch of Bamboo