I appreciate personal site/blog directoriesā€“lots have been cropping up. I try to submit to them all, howeverā€¦I’ve only received 22 hits from such sites this year. Is anyone else seeing notable traffic from these services? I’ll be honest that I’m not in the habit of browsing said directories.

Oh, hai, Pika! www.merlinmann.com/roderick/…

The browser on my phone has 498 opened tabs. Does this mean I need a new phone?

Feel fortunate to have missed this flooding in Iceland. Hope everyone has found a safe spot to pause their travels. (Reddit thread with everyone gameplanning.)

Iā€™ll believe it when I see it: www.foodandwine.com/japanese-…

Maintaining an old blog. #weblogpomo2024

Share the things you like, y’all!

Been fixing dead links on my old blog posts. Going through 2008 was rough. Maybe I should have spent that time building a dead-link detection feature in Pika. šŸ¤”

The Jacksons and the Patriots #weblogpomo2024

Hey Piggy Piggy Piggy Pig Pig #weblogpomo2024


A web error page saying your ad blocker is causing problems with the email unsubscribe page.

Screen Time Doesn’t Work (For Me)

On a more serious note, all blogs are welcome.

I believe that we are the curators of the web. #weblogpomo2024

Abandoned Tabs

How am I just running into these web toys for the first time today?! Tom’s Toys

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve read this before, but The Oral History of Princeā€™s Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show. Some real nuggets in there!

So a majority of the blogs in the world will soon be opted in to acting as training grounds for AI Tools. Not gonna happen at Pika. Pika Blogs Do Not Train AI Tools

I’m so glad that I got two of these Tim Robinson Zip Line guys before they sold out!

Pika Pages have arrived! Itā€™s still a little rough around the edges, but I can now run my personal site on Pika. pika.pika.page/posts/pik…

Giving Omnivore a try over Matter. Looks like a solid option with a nice sync-highlights-to-Obsidian feature.

This week’s Pika status, along with some personal-site inspiration: Pika Gliding Along.

Wondering if anyone has this workflow (readflow?)?

Subscribe to site via RSS > Skim feed reader to decide what to/what not to read > Send ā€œwant to readā€ things to a read-later service (like Matter) > Only actually read via the read-later service

i.e. never read things in your feed reader.

For the rest of the month Iā€™m going to try things like Play (https://marcosatanaka.com/#play) and Matter as a way to consume, adding things that I run into via blogs or conversations. That and the feed reader. Maybe Iā€™ll get rid of some of these tabs as wellā€¦

Robin Rendle makes you think, with a perfect line: I am a poem I am not software. Of course Yay.Boo comes to mind as one of many ways to play with that idea. And of course this makes me think a little differently about Pika.