Just talked to Chat GPT for a bit. I asked it to write a blog in Sinatra (Ruby). Progressively I asked it to add more features and it really was pretty astounding. This feels like a wave of momentum that cannot be resisted.

I’m close to the “build my own site generator in Ruby” stage of my blog. Probably inspired by barf. Hopefully something that can build itself on sr.ht or GitHub, so in theory I could write in a browser if need be. Inevitably it will later be replaced by my own blog software.

I’ve never really used a library for authentication or authorization in Rails. Thinking this time I might try Pundit for authorization. Thoughts and opinions welcomed. 💻

This advice from my past self just “cost” me 60-90 minutes. Find Bugs Once and the Joy of Bug Fixing. 💻

Fresh computer install means that I’ve found some new software to smooth out my daily. I’ve always used Divvy for windows management, but it was kind of janky getting it set up this time. And so I discovered Rectangle and I’m already enjoying it. Dragging to hotspots is nice!

A good little rundown of software engineering things that are learned from experience. 💻

Just turned on auto deploy for our @goodenough apps. Feels uncomfortable, but going to live in that space for a bit to see how it goes. 💻

Hmm, what if we ( @goodenough ) decided to make a 2023 version of StumbleUpon?

Surprising my 15-months-ago self, I got some books out of storage.

Last year’s unexecuted ideas mean I have two expiring domains that I’m going to have trouble letting go of: thingslearned.net and thingslearned.org. Maybe I’ll just keep the .net…

I’ve had a standing desk that’s only been standing + stool-leaning for a decade. I think it’s time I get a chair for those occaisions I want to sit. Chair recommendations? Assuming it’s not a mega-expensive one, have you used a mega-expensive one and can you compare them? Thanks!

It’s nice to have a designer friend to help you out. Though we do have to tighten this up.

Rails TIL. In Rails 7 you need to render with a status code in order for Flash.now to appear.

Flash.now[:errors] = 'This is an error'  
render :edit, status: :whatever_status

It’s wild because I could debug the view and see the Flash is set. But nothing displayed.

Things are happening…

Unified Feed Software

Starting the week with more RSS feed hacking. Let’s see if progress is made.

Reading the first 2/3s of Robin Sloan’s Year of New Avenues has me excited! Getting the word out about projects has become rather challenging these days. I’m excited for new projects, and I’m excited for a world where they start being discovered again!

Using render.com, we don’t get much in the way of log retention or searchability. Any service recommendations? At this point I’m going with Papertrail. Logtail seems expensive. Datadog and Mezmo both seem built for something much bigger than what I need.

I’m thinking of getting a MacBook Pro when the next cycle is unleashed. 2023? Main reason is so this excellent 2020 MacBook Air can replace one of our older family computers. I might do the unthinkable and not go with a fresh install on the new computer.

This response to “Quiet Quitting” is delicious.

Bosses want to be religious leaders rather than actual leaders. Managers want to be productivity cops, ever-vigilant of anyone failing to contribute to the company while avoiding every reflective surface.


I’ve got all the posts I care to transition transitioned to the new HTML+CSS version of my blog: bjhess.com/blog/. The completist in me feels better (even with broken links), though old posts can be 😬. (Ruby and Nokogiri were the primaries if you nerd like that.)

So my friend Shawn and I have put together a website to help us stay motivated to do the daily thing we like to do to keep ourselves happy. If you need to make sure you do one thing every day, this might be for you, too? Give it a try!



Who remembers Userscripts? Here’s a mirror of the old site. I wanted to add a shortcut to the search bar of a site I use and thought about Userscripts again. Is there a modern equivalent?

My Current VS Code Shortcuts

Whelp, the money shoe has dropped (RE: G Suite legacy free edition), which probably makes it so I’ll actually figure out transitioning my email from Gmail. The question is Fastmail, Zoho Mail, or some other.
