Moving your kid into their first off campus housing and all the IKEA furniture? This is highly recommended.

Allen hex bits in metric for impact drill.

It’s Been Awhile

I’m sad to say I’m finding much better search results on Google than DDG. It’s been many years, but I might be heading back…

Any US-folk have experience enabling fraud alerts or security freezes with credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion)? I think I’ve hit the tipping point in data breach letters such that I should probably do something, but I also don’t want to make my life overly painful going forward.

I’m trying Halide and it’s a bit overwhelming. For instance, I’m trying Process Zero and does it require RAW files? I have a fair bit of storage, but that seems a hurdle to using Halide as my primary camera app

It took me a long while, but I finished reading Shōgun. Now I can finally watch the show!

That’s pretty cool. It’s like we’re watching TV again!

It’s that time of the decade again. Time to think about getting new speakers for my home stereo. 🔈🔉🔊

Today was a pretty solid deep focus day on some Jelly code. W00T!

That moment when you realize the name-drop in the nonfiction book you’re reading is your daughter’s third-grade teacher’s uncle. 😆

Do yourself a favor and watch the men’s 1500m replay if you didn’t see it live. (Try not to spoil yourself in the process. Though I see NBC puts Olympic clips on YouTube with the results in the title. 🙄)

That was good!

Since last year my (HBO) Max streaming plan has removed one device, removed 4k UHD, and removed Dolby Atmos. Naturally the price has increased to $20/year. 🤔

I want to start writing up our Iceland trip, but after a day of work I’m ready to…not do that. I’m very fortunate to be working on cool stuff with Good Enough, but it still takes a lot of energy!

Vampire Weekend’s main set was fantastic. Staging-wise it was great, but especially tight and inventive musically.

The encore of audience-requested cover songs…is not good. The band does okay, but Ezra knows no lyrics. Especially jarring in comparison to the set.

But overall, highly recommended!

Feel fortunate to have missed this flooding in Iceland. Hope everyone has found a safe spot to pause their travels. (Reddit thread with everyone gameplanning.)

Apparently the Olympics have already started?!

I’m thinking about going to RubyConf for the first time this year, what with it being nearby in Chicago.

I’ll believe it when I see it:…

I approached the vehicle as it was driving up and immediately loaded our luggage (without help from the driver) into the Lyft yesterday. Then we all got into the vehicle. I was charged a 38-second “wait time fee” of 27¢.

I would dispute this 27¢ if there was any easy way. Guess it’s another method to leech money out of us bit by bit?

Greenland from the sky. A flight attendant of 40 years said she’s never seen it to the north…we got to see it for the first time with her!

(First three photos are the east side, last photo is the west side. You can see a landing strip at the lower left.)

Last, to our Airbnb near Sandgerði.

Our host met us to let us know that the Arctic tern were nesting. While nesting the eggs and hatchlings are vulnerable to Arctic fox. She let us know that if we heard any gunshots, it was the local farmers taking out a predatory fox.

The terns were everywhere.

Yesterday at Harpa we took in the interactive light exhibit, Circuleight.

Then we headed closer to the airport and our Airbnb for the evening, eating an outstanding dinner at Röstin restaurant at Garðskagi.

Yesterday we were back to Reykjavík, preparing to return home. 😢

It was sunny and warm (15°C), so ice cream at Eldur og Ís. Then a visit to Harpa.