This were pretty good.
Oh, Jesse.
Jesse just got back from the grocery store. Wonder what’s for dinner?
A fun UX primer in LEGO.…
The farm.
Kid found a computer in the closet.
An interesting, though sad, story about the COVID hit to Kenyan tourism and conservancies.
A friend turned me on to Allen Stone. Seems a positive, bluesy voice who is worth digging into a little further.
Here’s his Tiny Desk Concert.
Looking to Canada.
We’re hiking in the north woods of Minnesota. Lake Agnes here.
My blog archives ≤ 2021 are found at my homepage.
Green shoots.
Happy 20th Anniversary to the best partner I could ever ask for. Let’s get cake! 💓💓💓
Pandemic, make-it-work router table. #homehomehome
The girls’ band trip was wisely postponed this summer. Thankfully neither of them are seniors and have some school to go…hopefully next year’s trip goes off without a hitch.
Here’s a throwback to @jthess2 and my band trip to Pasadena in 1993. It was enjoyable. No, I don’t have any close up pictures of us or others. You wouldn’t want to see the hairstyles and complexions anyway.
I bet kids will be running around each other’s yards again soon, masked up playing robbers and robbers. Very sanitary robbers and robbers.
My daughter, Ava, has been making coloring pages to pass the quarantime. Maybe you or one of your wee ones would like this coloring distraction? If so, check it:…
Naively we visited germ factories.
We went on pilgrimages.
Y’™all remember weddings?
Goonies never say die.
I assume bacteria will eventually break down any tiny shards of glass from this fermentation mishap?