Today was a low-key break day. Walked to downtown Kyoto via Kamo River, hit the department store bubble machines, shopped Nishiki Market and surrounding area, randomly discovered a 2D Tea Room at the market, found a record store (with listening stations ❤️), and walked to all the stationary stores.

Family picture at the bridge over the river KamoGremlins 2 bubble machineNishiki Market and Sinkyogoku2D Tea Room Nishiki Market2D Tea Room Nishiki MarketPronto record store listening stations - in KyotoFlowers in the streets of Kyoto

Meanwhile in Japan…

French stoop art in Kyoto

We had a fabulous bike ride around Kyoto, seeing Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavillion), rice fields, and the no-crowd bamboo forest at Nembutsu-ji Temple. Oh, and then a tea ceremony, seeing the original Nintendo building a couple of blocks from our hotel, and finally landing at an izakaya with our kids. 😃

Biking Kyoto streetsRice fields in KyotoRice fields in KyotoRice fields in KyotoBamboo forest at Nembutsu-ji TempleTea ceremonyOriginal Nintendo playing card buildingTaking the kids to an izakaya

Today we said goodbye to Tokyo, rode the Shinkansen to Kyoto, visited Kiyomizu-dera, walked in the rain through Sannen-zaka, happened into a Gion Festival parade, and wrapped the night on the rooftop overlooking the Kamo River.

Tokyo near prince garden hotelWe’re riding the ShinkansenOur kids at Kiyomizu-deraKiyomizu-deraWalking Sannen-zaka in the rainGion Festival paradeKyoto and the Kamo River at night

Today we learned the way of the ninja, ran into an unexpected festival, gathered around the tiny ramen table, and visited teamLab Planets. (And lonely time with not-pictures friends.)

Gonna miss this view.

Ninja school pictureStilt dancers at Tokyo festivalThree of our girls at a tiny ramen shopTeamLab Planets group pictureTeamLab planets group pictureTokyo national stadium view from skyscraper

I grew up on the Metrodome, so this is absolutely mind bending.

Tokyo dome outfield during baseball gameTokyo dome infield during baseball gameTokyo dome seats

Stationary shopping, Ginza walking, Sensō-ji Temple visiting, people watching, Skytree seeing, tuna salad eating, McDonald’s delivery “what?”ing, and tiny door spying. And the day’s not over yet.

Itoya stationary storeGinza open streetSensō-ji Temple gateSensō-ji temple gateTokyo Skytree7-11 tuna salad sandwichMcDonald’s deliveryTiny door

Pretty pretty pretty good start to Tokyo.

Manga drawing classSoba noodles for lunchMeiji Shrine

Morning view.

Tokyo from hotelJapan National Stadium from hotel

Leaving for Japan tomorrow. A friend sent me this helpful “intro to summer” video to prepare.

In 4 days we head on vacation to Japan and South Korea. We are beyond excited, and a little anxious. Sorry in advance for all of the pictures. 😀

Writing elsewhere - I wrote about how we built Quack (Beta).

Writing elsewhere - I wrote about why we built Quack (Beta).

Have you ever simply wanted to post some markdown to the internet and receive a link to a beautifully rendered version of said markdown? Good Enough has got you covered with Quack (Beta). Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Achy Breaky Heart reached a higher peak on the Billboard pop charts than Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Sometimes I pull rabbits out of hats as a dad, but I don’t think magicking Taylor Swift tickets in the ballpark of reasonable for tonight’s show is going to happen.

I dislike throwing things away. Do I spend $80+ (and time) replacing the main board of a 10-year-old 47” TV that I don’t really need any more? Maybe I could send it with my daughter to college. Or give it to someone. Why is it so hard for me to just responsibly throw the thing out?

I can just share this when people ask what we’re doing right now at Good Enough:…

Looking around, it both feels like America doesn’t care to drive regular cars anymore and America has the most hatchbacks that have ever hatchbacked.

A hatchcback by any other name would smell as sweet.