I think that self-promotion is a particular difficulty for those of us trying to turn the tide of the internet. And so I wrote a few things.

Some highlighted quotes from I Cheerfully Refuse.

This month’s IndieWeb Carnival theme is “Good Enough,” so of course I had to participate.

Did the Third Man Records tour today and pulled the fortunate Ben Blackwell tour guide lottery ticket. Was lovely.

I wrote a little bit about how we (Good Enough) and all the small shops out there need your continued support to make it in this competitive internet world. Thanks for past and continued support! goodenough.us/blog/2024…

It happened!

An inbox zero logo within an email app. A party logo.

I just got to Inbox Nine in my personal email and I’m going to call it very good! I think I’ll read some of the newsletters in there this evening and go the rest of the way.

Last night.

Comedian Maria Bamford on stage.

Resurfaced a very old post from another place, another time: My First Program. Perhaps you have a first-programming story?

This is rather amazing: xkcd.com/2916/

A bit of a stream (heh) of consciousness on the streaming pendulum.

Once upon a time if you wanted a product or service, you paid for it. That, but for online things.

TIL: You can no longer programmatically ping search engines with updates to your sitemap in an anonymous way. And I learned other things. Sitemaps on Pika.

Finally wrapped up Ted Lasso. You can talk about it in front of me now. 🤣

Anyone out there successfully using mailbrew? Tell us how you’re using it?

That woodworking content you so desire: bjhess.com/posts/saf…

I decided to pick up a decently-priced Kindle Oasis 3 on eBay. Hope it works well enough!

Thanks for the e-reader feedback on my last post. I want to go with a Kobo Libra 2, but losing the auto syncing of Kindle highlights to Obsidian might be the thing that keeps me on the Kindle platform. The only Kindle with a page-turn button seems to be the Oasis, which they’ve stopped making. 🤔

Happy new Leif Enger book day to those who celebrate!

Another good oral history: Conan O’Brien’s First Year at “Late Night”

Just created a to-do in Todoist: “Figure out how to organize my million to-dos and projects.” I think I daily have 30-40 items in “Today”, mostly actually “Overdue.” Send help! (And this is just personal stuff. I used to do GTD. Maybe I should just reread that?)

Last full day. 🏖️

Waves on a sunny beach.

Small Towns Everywhere

I’m sure I’ve read this before, but The Oral History of Prince’s Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show. Some real nuggets in there!

“Some of My 300 Open Tabs,” a blog series. Or in other words, I could probably just use these open tabs to fuel my blog for months. Maybe I should!