Just drafted my newsletter to send out on Wednesday. It always has some writing that is not part of my blog/microblog, as well as a rundown of my bloggings and a few links. Sign up if you’re into that sort of thing!

Finished reading: The Stone Sky (The Broken Earth Book 3) by N. K. Jemisin 📚

Now I’m reading explanations of the book. I kind of rushed through the audio (before it returned to my library), and following the narrator around via audio was a bit challenging.

Watched Licorice Pizza tonight. I had no clue Philip Seymour Hoffman’s son was the male lead, but I could tell the actor was his son pretty quickly. Such similar mannerisms! 🍿

Saw Bullet Train and had a good time. Go and enjoy it!

I also just realized you could run a whole weekend movie series of good “stuck on a train” movies. 🍿

Art: Pickle.

[T]he pickle remained stuck to the ceiling, using only ketchup remnants and nondescript burger juices as adhesive, for an entire month. Amazing.


And she’s off!

I encourage you all to build strong relationships with your children. Though I will warn you that when they leave for college for the first time, it is incredibly hard. Dropping off our eldest tomorrow. 😭

None of the trailers for The Rings of Power have given me any hope…until this one. Maybe?

This response to “Quiet Quitting” is delicious.

Bosses want to be religious leaders rather than actual leaders. Managers want to be productivity cops, ever-vigilant of anyone failing to contribute to the company while avoiding every reflective surface.


Confession: I’m a life-long Minnesotan and a rock & roll fan, but I’ve never really listened to The Replacements. I’ve only listened to everyone they’ve influenced. Time to at least get familiar with their catalog. 🎵

Took our daughter to a famous clinic today to (thankfully) find out she didn’t need a (minor) surgery in her broken thumb. Phew!

Found myself in a strange place tonight.

The Decemberists. 🎵

I like to look at set lists leading up to a concert, usually making a playlist to listen to beforehand. Going to The Decemberists tonight and the set lists out there…I’ve personally never been to a show before where the set list was 50% different from show to show. Excited! 🎵

USA folks, the new IRA Bill seems to have some benefits to the homeowner. Particularly in the world of heat pump HVAC systems. My current HVAC system is 20 years old, so the clock is ticking. Wondering if anyone out there has done research into this?

Heh. Ran into old school Book-A-Minute and Movie-A-Minute. Reminds me of a project I tried way back in the early 2000s. I called it Flicksticks, and it used the only drawing I could pull off: stick figures. Freaky Friday:

The Greatest Salesman in the World is not a book about sales, but about habit formation. I believe strongly in the power of habit, but I’m hesitant to read this the way it was meant (1 chapter at a time, 3 times a day, for 30 days). Has anyone out there actually done this?

Did I ever share Rediscovering the Small Web here? If not, why not? Probably one of the micro.blog denizens had shared it with me prior. Anyway, it’s great! 🔗

I’ve spent a lot of time in my life learning about saving, finance, and investing. That doesn’t mean I taught my kids any of this. I’ve felt bad about it until I found this article by JL Collins. Now I have a plan for discussion when they go off to college and careers. 🔗

I downloaded Arc right before vacation, which was probably a bad idea. It couldn’t import my Safari bookmarks, and now time has passed leaving me looking at it wondering what problem I was hoping it would solve.

A concert.