Thanks for the e-reader feedback on my last post. I want to go with a Kobo Libra 2, but losing the auto syncing of Kindle highlights to Obsidian might be the thing that keeps me on the Kindle platform. The only Kindle with a page-turn button seems to be the Oasis, which they’ve stopped making. 🤔

Happy new Leif Enger book day to those who celebrate!

Another good oral history: Conan O’Brien’s First Year at “Late Night”

Just created a to-do in Todoist: “Figure out how to organize my million to-dos and projects.” I think I daily have 30-40 items in “Today”, mostly actually “Overdue.” Send help! (And this is just personal stuff. I used to do GTD. Maybe I should just reread that?)

Last full day. 🏖️

Waves on a sunny beach.

Small Towns Everywhere

I’m sure I’ve read this before, but The Oral History of Prince’s Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show. Some real nuggets in there!

“Some of My 300 Open Tabs,” a blog series. Or in other words, I could probably just use these open tabs to fuel my blog for months. Maybe I should!

A browser that keeps track of where you came from when clicking that link. “That post from Mastodon user X” or “That email from” etc.

My 2nd gen Kindle seems to finally be dead. Now what do I get?!

Blogged: You Deserve It

A rainy day, so we’re thinking Ghostbusters.

So far, so good.

Alright, friends, it’s time to go on vacation. Tomorrow we’re off too the sunny Florida panhandle, assuming we get out before the Minnesota snow lands.

You should probably listen to Anna Meredith: Nautilus.

Olivia Rodrigo with the girls tonight. Can’t say I’ve been to a concert with that volume of crowd singing before. Pretty fantastic!

My friend Nate’s Oscar round up is quite a worthwhile read. It’s a great jumping-off point for your movie lists, both shorts and feature length.

I’m very heartened by the positive response to Pika, and very impressed with the writing that is happening on the platform. We haven’t yet had any epiphanies on how best share that writing with the world, but we definitely have that desire. It will be an interesting challenge to work on!

Been holding on to this since last July in Togari, Japan. Tonight was finally the right time to crack open some Bread.

In February Good Enough took a little break from Pika to build a prototype for our next thing. So far we’re pretty happy with it, and we can’t wait to share it with the world!…

So a majority of the blogs in the world will soon be opted in to acting as training grounds for AI Tools. Not gonna happen at Pika. Pika Blogs Do Not Train AI Tools

Love this sort of stuff: Final Fantasy VII is the Best.

Pika should also probably have a WordPress and Tumblr import option right about now… lemme know if it’s something you want! I’m sure we can figure something out.

Given the latest blogging memes, it seems like Pika should add a guestbook option…

I blogged: P.M. Dawn